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Space: Above & Beyond Site !

FireBat Enterprises, Ltd.

Jaimie - WebMistress, and Professional Engineer (P.E.)

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AREA 51 . . . . . . . . AREA 51 . . . . . . . . . . AREA 51 . . . . . . . . . . . Visit AREA 51!

OutPost WhiteStar


Batgirl on Patrol: OutPost El Paso abandoned after heavy Chig resisance. Area secured - too hot to continue. Squad mission to the Atlanta Frontier for recon indicates no alien presence. Returned to Texas Territory - Austin Wasteland for further reconnaissance - met with intense battles. Ordered to meet-up with the Nashville Ready Reserves. After training reserves, returned to Atlanta Frontier for R&R. OutPost still transient until further notice. Updates forthcomming:

  1. 071898 Allatoona
  2. 071398 Marietta
  3. 100198 TVA
  4. 122898 :-)
  5. 120399 Austin
  6. 070400 Nashville
  7. 050901 Marietta
  8. 072703 Kennesaw

Captain 'BatGirl' with the 28th Squadron "Mad Pancakes" of the 19th AirWing - 96th ReCon Battalion - 1st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) - Earth Space Marines*

*Fandom Dedicated to Space: Above and Beyond (S:AAB) - Returned to us in 1998 - not to FOX, but to the Sci-Fi Channel!


If you have this page loaded in a browser, you can visit the WebSite of the 96th Battalion by clicking here 96th Battalion


If you have this page loaded in a browser, you can visit this WebRing by clicking here SAAB WebRing


If you have this page loaded in a browser, you can visit this WebSite by clicking here Space 2063