Welcome to the Georgia Cloister Room WebSite

the Georgia alternative to 'No Doctor Who' -

Jaimie - WebMistress, and Professional Engineer (P.E.)

Georgia Cloister Room

TARDIS' Extension forDoctor Who - a Georgia alternative to "No Doctor Who"

This Organization is made-up of Doctor Who fans living in or around Georgia that have a NEED to watch Doctor Who. We gather together on occasion to pool our fan's resources of video tapes, have movie-festivals of the Doctor, and catch the series via BBC America on satellite. Also, the gatherings become a place to learn of the Conventions, new movie releases (on videotape...), current developments of the Doctor, and the many other Doctor Who interests (toys, games, etc.).

The Georgia Cloister Room is an informal alliance of friends and acquaintances, together because of the Doctor's celestial magnatism. We are here to sound the 'Cloister Bells' in the TARDIS when the Doctor is in trouble or danger (of being forgotten or cancelled!). The Time Column, which is the TARDIS control room console's center-piece, rising and falling as the Doctor travels in space and time, represents the alliance's dedication to the central theme of "Doctor Who" (unlike some fan organizations that seem to 'wander' in topics - we aim to stay concentrated on Doctor Who topics).

Visit our PHOTO SITE by clicking here Doctor Who

Announcement: Chris Eccleston, who was to be the ninth 'official' TV Doctor
(actually he's the tenth - John Hurt played the real 9th Doctor Who!),
has quit after only a single season (what a jackass!). Apparently, he was only in it for the money.
Due to this development, his series
is being boycotted by the members of the Georgia Cloister Room organization
(and encourages other to do so as well).

Then there's this "new" Doctor thing (apparently, the thirteenth 'official' TV Doctor), which actually she's the fourteenth (sic)... well, they've just run out of Doctors - for as you know he only has 12 regenerations (and thus 13 generations, or thirteen Doctor Who's), and we've already met the 13th 'evil' Doctor in 'Trial of a Time Lord', so seems to be a plot by the BBC to 'kill-off' the show without totally pissing off the fans like they did last time they tried to cancel Doctor Who.
Technically: David Tennant was the eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith was the twelfth Doctor, and Peter Capaldi was the final, and thirteenth Doctor
(and looks a lot like the 'evil' thirteenth Doctor in 'Trial of a Time Lord').
Members of the Georgia Cloister Room still view the 7th Doctor, Sylvester McCoy, as the 'current' REAL Doctor ;-)

Visit the NEW Doctor Who Forun !

BBC America

BBC America is the place to get Doctor Who VHS video tapes, DVD movie discs, books, toys, collectibles, etc.

If you have this page loaded in a browser, you can visit the BBC America's Website for Doctor Who stuff by clicking here BBC America: Doctor Who

Doctor Who Store

The Doctor Who Store is another place to get Doctor Who VHS video tapes, DVD movie discs, books, toys, collectibles, etc.

If you have this page loaded in a browser, you can visit the Doctor Who Store Website by clicking here Doctor Who Store


Organizing Doctor Who Fan Clubs

If you have this page loaded in a browser, you can visit the WebSite of the Doctor Who: Outpost Gallifrey by clicking on the logo below:

Link to Outpost Gallifrey
Outpost Gallifrey: The Doctor Who News & Information Magazine


If you have this page loaded in a browser, you can visit the WebSite for Jaimie BatGirl

Thank You for visiting the Georgia Cloister Room