When is a Central Station required?

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When is a Central Station required?

Postby Blackstone on Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:14 pm

Life Safety Code Emergency Forces Notification Requirement

Where required by another section of this Code, emergency forces notification shall be provided to alert the municipal fire department and fire brigade (if provided) of fire or other emergency.

Where fire department notification is required by another section of this Code, the fire alarm system shall be arranged to transmit the alarm automatically via any of the following means *acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and shall be in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code:

(1) Auxiliary alarm system
(2) Central station connection
(3) Proprietary system
(4) Remote station connection

Exception: For existing installations where none of the means of notification specified in 9.6.4(1) through 9.6.4(4) is available, a plan for notification of the municipal fire department, acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction, shall be permitted.


*Acceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction:

All organizations receiving alarms for transmission to the municipal fire department required by this Code shall be listed. Protected premises fire alarm systems for new construction requiring emergency forces notification by another section of this Code shall be required to be either placarded or certificated through a listing organization acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. (this paragraph needs to be in the codes!)

Synopsis of the above policy:

 Only new construction whose occupancies require a fire alarm to have emergency forces notification would be required to be certificated (not all occupancies have this requirement).
 Occupancies requiring supervised sprinkler system that must comply with 9.4.6 would only require the monitoring organization to be listed, not the facility to be certificated.
 Existing occupancies which require a fire alarm to have emergency forces notification would not be required to be certificated (grandfathered).
We find consulations, we learn tricks with which we deceive ourselves, but the essential thing - the way - we do not find. Listen to the river.

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Location: Kennesaw, Georgia

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