Sprinklered Mercantile Occupancy Notes

Questions about Georgia Codes and Standards

Sprinklered Mercantile Occupancy Notes

Postby Blackstone on Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:41 pm

Miscellaneous Mercantile Notes:

All backroom emergency exit access paths (e.g. from sales areas thru stockrooms) shall be provided with floor markings and protective handrails to prevent storage/equipment from blocking the means of egress where the exit access passes thru these areas in accordance with the 2000 LSC, Section requirements. Plans must indicate any exit access isles (stock/receiving or sales area), method of ensuring aisles are kept clear, etc. Include exit access information on plans.

Provide sprinkler protection below any front canopy as required by NFPA 13 (2002), Section, as this area is typically used by merchants for the display of merchandise for seasonal sidewalk sales (e.g. holiday merchandise, overstock sales, sidewalk sales, etc.). Include protection below any loading dock canopy.

Since no areas of any storage rooms have been indicated with high piled storage (Class I thru IV combustible storage exceeding 12-ft in height); then conspicuous signage shall be provided throughout any storage room indicating “Maximum Storage 12-ft by Order of Fire Marshal”.

High hazard commodities stored over 6-ft high such as appreciable quantities of Group A Plastics, rubber tires, flammable/combustible liquids, aerosols, oxidizers, etc., or any storage over 12-ft high of Class I thru IV commodities, shall be required to comply with 2003 IFC, Chapter 23 requirements. Section 2301.3 requires plans submitted for building permit include all information identified in this section including all proposed fire protection requirements, design features, etc., required by Item 14 of this section. Include a Hazardous Materials Storage Summary (Haz-Mat Disclosure) indicating all physical (oxidizers, flammable/combustible liquids, aerosols, etc.) and health (toxic, corrosive, etc.) hazards to be stored in the facility as required by 2003 IFC, Section 2701.5.2. Submittal shall include: key plan indicating locations of items in disclosure; list of materials indicating type and quantities (product grouping and general hazard info), container size, and maximum storage size (area and height). MSDS and emergency procedure information are not required to be included in this submittal, but shall be made available to the Fire Marshal prior to issuance of the facility's Certificat of Occupancy.
We find consulations, we learn tricks with which we deceive ourselves, but the essential thing - the way - we do not find. Listen to the river.

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Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:17 pm
Location: Kennesaw, Georgia

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