A Main Drain Test Connection shall be provided for each
sprinkler riser per NFPA 13 (2002), Section, and sized per NFPA 13
(2002), Table ~ main drain piping size is based upon:
Providing sufficient flow to properly determine the valve is fully open (the
basis of the main drain minimum size);
Provide a point on the riser to
perform main drain waterflow testing (not specifically addressed in NFPA 13 [a
minimum standard], but frequently used by inspectors, insurance representatives,
engineers, investigators, etc. ~ see IRI’s IM. data sheet for more
information on main drain waterflow tests and its appropriateness);
Provide efficient draining of the system (note: inspector’s test
piping is used for waterflow device testing, not waterflow testing).
common drain pipe (gang drain / drain riser) serving multiple main drain
connections needs to be one pipe size larger than the largest main drain tied
into it (Note: NFPA 13 (2002), Section requires increasing the common
drain piping for floor control valves for similar reasons) so that main drain
flow (valve) and waterflow (supply) tests may be successfully performed on the
risers when needed. An alternative would be to provide separate main drain
discharge piping for each riser.