Combination dry insp. test conn. & drum drip

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Combination dry insp. test conn. & drum drip

Postby Blackstone on Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:19 pm

OK, some times you’ll see a dry insp. test conn. on a dry system that is essentially a drum drip with an orifice in the discharge elbow – this is an attempt to ‘combine’ these two devices (drum drip as a low point condensation drain, and the dry insp. test conn.). This is acceptable, but the removable segment with plug/nipple and cap is frequently left out in an act of sheer stupidity. Below is the correction comment for this issue:

The dry pipe test connection may include a drum drip [condensation drain], however the lower valve shall be sealed with a plug [or nipple and cap] to avoid leakage of air which could accidentally trip dry pipe valve and cause nuisance alarms ~ these valves are designed for a wet valve seat, and over time, air will seep thru the dry rubber valve seat ~ a removable pipe section [union, groove fitting, etc.] shall be located in close proximity of the valve plug for testing purposes => revise Dry Inspector’s Test Connection to comply with these provisions.
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